Zoë van den Broek
Esri Technology Specialist
Before joining the Tensing team I studied Geo Media & Design at the HAS University of Applied Sciences and worked as GIS Specialist at the municipality of Dongen. During my studies I had my first experiences with ArcGIS and FME and got to meet people who inspired me to continue working in the wonderful world of geo information. In Dongen I developed myself as GIS specialist by working on the challenges that a small municipality faces in this current society. I used ArcGIS and FME to work more data driven, manage the public spaces or work on development goals.
Spare time
Why Tensing?
Since learning about Tensing in my time with the municipality of Tilburg I figured that sometime in my career I would find myself working for Tensing. Within Tensing knowledge sharing is very important and with the many ArcGIS and FME professionals in the team this is very easy. I know that with Tensing I can develop myself on a personal and professional level.