Welcome to Tensing's most innovative research and development center. Starting from a clear market need, our most experienced specialists work on the latest techniques involving the use of geographic information. We do this in collaboration with customers and other partners.
Below is a selection of ongoing or phased-out innovation projects:

Snowflake Cloud Data Platform
Our link with Snowflake, a cloud-based data & analytics platform, optimizes the process of data integration using geo-data.

Digital twin for building energy reduction
A digital 3D model of buildings to help municipalities map in which area energy consumption can be efficiently reduced by insulating.

3D GeoViewer
The Tensing 3D GeoViewer for Architects gives context to designs. Integrate a 3D model into a natural or built environment.

Planet Object Detection (POD)
The POD Platform automatically detects objects based on photo or video. Think roof objects, buildings, extensions and solar panels.
Geographic Language Processing (GLP)
The GLP Platform combines GIS with Natural Language Processing. This allows users (without GIS knowledge) to query, create and modify data.