Charelle Grootenboer

Employee Experience Specialist

My name is Charelle Grootenboer and as of 10 October 2023, I am joining Tensing as Employee Experience Specialist.

My background is in facility services. Namely, I studied Facility Management at the Hogeschool Rotterdam. During my studies, I worked as Office Manager and discovered my passion for organising and arranging. After my studies, I worked for a secondment agency for 2.5 years, where I was responsible for office management and the onboarding, development and connection of trainees. In this role, I learnt the importance of content as well as personal development. Therefore, my next step was at a training institute as a training coordinator. Here, I was not only responsible for the training programme, but also for the training we tailor-made for our members. Here, I engaged in discussions, collected the needs and created a tailor-made programme. As a result, I got to know the training and education market, so I know what is important on both sides and where the added value lies in terms of training and development. For me, the role as Employee Experience Specialist at Tensing is a great combination of my work experience, where I get to contribute to the development and retention of our consultants.

Spare time
Since last year, I have been living with my boyfriend in Amsterdam. Originally, I come from a small village called Zevenhuizen. Bustling Amsterdam has a lot to offer, so I regularly explore the city on my bike. For instance, I like to visit the vintage shops, have a drink or coffee on the terrace or visit one of the many parties. You can also find me on the padel court or at the gym in my spare time, because sports allow me to release my energy and it helps clear my head.

Why Tensing?
Quality is my top priority. I also find it important to listen to another person and see where their needs lie. This is also what I experience at Tensing. Tensing is there for its employees, but also listens to where things can be improved and we are continuously improving. Also, I'm a real people person and like to be in contact with my colleagues. And the colleagues at Tensing immediately give you a warm welcome! The door is always open for questions and besides hard work there is also room for socialising or a game of table football. 

Things always gets harder right before the level-up. Remember that!


Charelle Grootenboer