Ewout Oonk
FME Technology Specialist
Hi! It’s me, Ewout. In January 2023 I joined the Tensing team as a FME specialist.
I always loved geography and maps. After becoming familiar with GIS during my studies in Wageningen I started my GIS career during a secondment at Waterschap Rivierenland. There I worked for 2,5 years on improving the data quality of the water system, soil data and preparations for the ‘Omgevingswet’. After a side-stap to the world of e-commerce as a back-end software developer at Mantel.com I decided to combine my experience with data and GIS in a role as FME specialist.
Besides my professional live as a GIS specialist I love to experiment and build things, e.g. develop code for open-source bike sharing.
Spare time
I was born in the lovely city of Deventer and always liked to be outside and explore. In my spare time I love cycle on my racing bike, swim or hike in nature. When it’s raining cats and dogs you will find me at home listening podcasts or playing board games. During my travels, preferably to mountainous areas, I bring my camera whenever possible. Currently I live in the 'Betuwe’ in a small town near Wageningen.
Why Tensing?
The open and supportive atmosphere immediately attracted me. Another plus is the amount of experience present within the organisation an to focus on exchanging knowledge.