Joep Kuijvenhoven
Esri Technology Specialist
My name is Joep and I have been working as a Young Professional at Tensing since April 2022.
As a forest and nature conservation student at Hogeschool Van Hall-Larenstein I have used a form of GIS in nearly all of my projects. During my studies I gradually became more and more interested in the possibilities of GIS, especially topics like remote sensing, automatization and data science. This led me to following a GIS minor (Wageningen University) and me plotting my internships and thesis around GIS themes.
Spare time
I live in Nijmegen, where I love to explore the Ooijpolder, either strolling about or on a run. Cooking is a big hobby of mine, hence the steam basket in the picture! While cooking I like to put on a record or two as well.
Why Tensing?
I felt that Tensing was a good place to further explore the GIS field. The Young Professional role offers a great combination of traineeship and responsibilities. An emphasis on self development is something I was looking for in an employer! I am glad I made the choice, because during my first week I was welcomed with open arms by the entire Tensing team!

With a heart for the environment and a passion for GIS appliances I aspire to be the connecting link between data and practice.