Margo Burgers

Young Professional

Hi! I am Margo, 25 years old and in June 2024 I started as Young Professional after having a amazing experience as an intern at Tensing.

In the past, I studied media design at the Grafisch Lyceum in Utrecht. Nevertheless, thanks to my interest in geography, I made a switch in my career and studied Applied Geo Information Science at HAS Green Academy.

Spare time
In my spare time I like to play music together with the orchestra Nota Bene and go climbing and sailing. I am also a real film fanatic and go to the cinema at least once a week and am always curious about how a film is made.

Why Tensing?
During my internship at Tensing I quickly noticed the warm and welcome feeling from my colleagues and the possibility to be able to show who you are and where your interests and passions lie. That also makes it possible to be come up with new creative ideas that can help solve solutions in the geo information branche.

I've never done it before, so I think I can do it.


Margo Burgers