Tom van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen
Esri Technology Specialist
My name is Tom van Ebbenhorst and I have been working as a GIS Consultant at Tensing since April 2022.
From GIS analysis to consulting
In recent years, I specialized in the field of geodata analysis and building Geoinformation Systems (GIS) for the waterfront industry. At Tensing, I use this knowledge to help companies with everything related to GIS - from GIS analysis to consulting.
The start of my GIS career is one of coincidences. For example, years ago while studying International Tourism Management (BA) I was introduced to GIS and statistics during an exchange program in Sweden. The fascination with both subjects combined with an interest in cartography then led me to study Geo-Information Science (MSc) at the University of Wageningen. Here I got the chance to dive into geostatistics. For example, I investigated alternative methods to validate digital soil maps with clustered data for ISRIC. In addition, I started working as a GIS developer in the water bottom world at Tijhuis Ingenieurs.
Climbing and discovering
My free time is all about sports, exploring, friends and family. A common thread in my life is bouldering. This climbing sport is characterized by short, complex routes that focus on both strength, flexibility and "problem-solving skills." Despite the individual nature of this sport, there is a very inclusive community where friends and strangers cheer each other on and a beer after a session is more the rule than the exception. In addition, I see life as a great journey of discovery. Therefore, if something sparks my interest I want to try it out. For example, I recently attempted sculpting and a few months ago I bought a Raspberry Pi (mini-computer) to learn more about software engineering.
Waarom Tensing?
Toen ik begin 2022 kennismaakte met Tensing was ik verkocht. Na een aantal jaar werkervaring in de waterbodemsector was ik klaar om verder te leren. De pure nadruk op GIS binnen Tensing en de persoonlijke focus op hun medewerkers zorgt voor een ideale omgeving om me verder te ontwikkelen.