FME Form Advanced Training

Sign up for an FME Form (previously FME Desktop) Advanced training course and take your investment in FME to new heights!


On our FME Form Advanced course we help to move you towards being an FME power user. Our trainers will equip you with the skills you’ll need to ensure the automation processes you build, can utilise the best-practice techniques and new features you’ll need for the next stage of your data integration journey. We cover advanced attribute management and manipulation; an important skill when so much of our data has strings that need altering or checking! We help you hone your Workspace design skills, to improve the performance of your production tasks, whilst also making your more involved Workspaces easier to maintain. We also cover plenty of advanced parameter functionality to help to give your processes the ability to multi-task. You’ll also have a nice takeaway tool in the form of a custom transformer you’ll build, to interact with a useful UK hosted API.

With so much data out there for you to process, we’ve also built our content around unique custom European and UK based examples, that we use in our courses to give you a local context to the course.


This course is intended for an existing user of FME Form, but you’re interested in progressing to an advanced level. Typical candidates are:

  • Existing users who recently completed an Introductory level training class, or have used FME for a while.
  • Users that have used FME for regular tasks, but now need to build more advanced Workspaces.
  • Users returning to FME after a break, who want to refresh and update their skills.
  • Users wanting to review their production Workspaces, to introduce efficiency, performance and maintenance benefits.
  • Candidates studying before taking the FME Certified Professional Exam.

Our Approach

We deliver this course in three standard formats. To train at your convenience, we deliver this course in three standard formats. 

  • Two concurrent days of focussed training time between 09:15 and 16:30.
  • Four concurrent “family friendly” half days of focussed training time, delivered so not to be disrupted by school drop-off and pickup slots, 10:00 till 14:30.
  • Bespoke schedule to suit your organisation’s needs, optionally incorporating content from several courses.

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Engaging with Tensing...

Our training is offered flexibly. You can sign up to attend one of our public enrolment courses scheduled throughout the year. These courses are delivered online. Just login and learn.

Attend publicly and go for the bonus of being able to network with like-minded data professionals from different industries. Whilst for that personal touch, we also offer our courses privately, dedicated just to you and your team.

Online is certainly great, but we can also do the more traditional thing of sending our Certified FME Trainer to you, and deliver the course in the comfort of your office, in-person. If you need us to arrange the venue, IT equipment and even your lunch, just ask, we do that too!

Training Schedule

    • 3rd-6th December '24 (Family Friendly)

    • 13th-14th ❤️ February '25
    • 2nd-3rd April '25
    • 5th-6th June '25
    • 15th-16th September '25
    • 2nd-5th December '25 (Family Friendly)

    • Bespoke or Private? Just ask!
    • cert_train


Register your interest in our FME Form training


Make your FME Workspaces performant with our advanced tips!

David EagleCertified FME Trainer

FME Training overview - Tensing Academy

In this training overview you'll find details of all the training options available from the Tensing Academy. It also provides practical information about our training delivery. Download the overview (PDF) and find out which training best fits your knowledge, experience and ambitions.