Charlotte Duynstee
Entrepreneurial Consultant
I am Charlotte Duynstee and I have been working at Tensing since 2018. After receiving my bachelor's degree Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at TU Delft, where my focus was primarily on the creative layout of public space, I said goodbye to the drawing board and started working on my master's in Geomatics, which perfectly matched my inquisitiveness and drive to find out how and why certain things work.
During my master’s program, I studied in China for six months because China is at the forefront of geo-informatics. It was a very interesting experience to study in China in an international environment. I did my graduation research at TNO, where I went even further in the field of data science. Now, as a GIS consultant at Tensing, I am completely in the right place, where together with my colleagues, I can help clients get to the next level.
In my spare time I like to relax with a good yoga class or get a good workout on my racing bike. I also play tennis and enjoy wake boarding or skiing. I also like traveling and experiencing different cultures. And I love China, where I would like to return to get to know the country and people even better.

As a GIS consultant at Tensing, I am completely in the right place, where together with my colleagues, I can help clients get to the next level.