Cynthia de Vos
Technical Lead
Hi! My name is Cynthia de Vos (1992) and I have been working at Tensing since 1 January 2019.
Ever since I was little, I have been interested in maps and the world around me. Perhaps the coolest gift I ever had as a child was a luminous globe. I could, and still can, entertain myself for hours with maps, atlases and globes.
During my school career, I was looking for something for a long time that matched my broad interests. During my bachelor in Social Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University, I first came into contact with GIS and cartography ... I fell in love instantly. After having only seen the tip of the iceberg, I therefore could not wait to learn more in the field of GIS and Data Science by doing the master Geographical Information Management and Applications (GIMA).
I consider myself a real foodie. I like to cook and I am always looking for the nicest and most special places to enjoy a culinary experience. I like to surround myself with people, which is also apparent from one of my other hobbies, namely salsa and ballroom dancing. Dancing requires a lot of communication and working together. You only get a good result by having the two of you shine together. After much practice, it really gives me a kick when a new combination succeeds or a dance looks effortless.
After my master's degree, I still want to learn so I was looking for an employer where I could continue to develop myself broadly. At Tensing I got this opportunity, and I started in the Young Professional program. In addition to the challenging work, I immediately felt at home at Tensing because of the close team of colleagues and Tensing's desire to proactively share knowledge within the company. Just like in my free time, I get a lot of energy from working with colleagues and clients to create a suitable solution together.

I immediately felt at home at Tensing because of the close team of colleagues and Tensing's desire to proactively share knowledge within the company.